Thursday, 2 April 2009

Co-Mag Guideline Answersss =)

  1. What will be your front cover?

Our front cover will consist of a main headline story about Jade Goody’s funeral and her last dying days. Also a few bits about 20 must haves for spring/summer with pictures shown on the front cover, another advertisement with ‘Star your own advert’ trying to draw the audiences attention into to reading the comag and lastly a real life story that is featured into the comag.

  1. Consider price, feature stories, colours, font, styles layout.

Price will be placed under the heading of the comag, which will be 50p. Feature stories will include real-life stories about a young teenage girl being sexually and physically abused by her father, a jade goody special as she lived her last days and her funeral plans. Colours will be vibrant, funky and abstract able for it to attract our young readers and relate it to there type of modern taste. Styles layout will have different images, with one primary image, and a few secondary images representing our other articles on our front cover.

  1. Primary image- you must decide whether to use either a) an original image (drawn/comic/photograph)

We have decided to use images from the internet and maybe once we have written our editors letter we will include an original image to be used.

  1. Research teen magazines and comics using google, making notes in your blog.

Teen magazines such as Cosmopolitan, more!, Sugar, Heat, Star, and  others as well will be used to help our comag build up.

  1. Decide a title in your group.

We have decided to call our comag ‘Peachesz Power’ which describes the both of us me & Diamond.

  1. Decide whether it will be sold weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

It will be sold every fortnight to even out the distributions of our comag and when we make it.

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